Partner With Us(DRAFT)

Partner With Us(DRAFT)


Partner With Us(DRAFT)

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Pioneering A Risk Proof Partnership Model


What Do The Numbers Tell Us?

For the last 27 years, HELB has empowered dreams of more than 1.23Million students and disbursed over Kshs. 130.1Billion. As of 31st December 2021, there were 644,361 mature loan accounts holding Kshs. 80.9Billion out of which 254,135 beneficiaries [loanees] holding Kshs. 26Billion have completed their loan repayment and 283,015 loanees worth Kshs 44.3Billion repaying their loans. There were 594,006 loanee accounts not yet due for repayment as they were either still students or within the one-year grace period before repayment is due. Loanees in default were 107,211 holding Kshs 10.6Billion. This translated to HELB Loan Book performance of 73%.

Number Of Students Who Missed Funding

The Helb Resource Mobilization Portfolio

The benefits of partnering with HELB

How to partner with HELB

Success Stories & Testimonials

At The Frontline
Of A Health Nation

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Powering Universal Health Coverage"

Dr. Kelly Oluoch

CEO, Kenya Medical College [KMTC]

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Strengthening the Health Sector one nurse at a time"

Peter Waithaka

Project Management Specialist Human Resources For Health, USAID

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

When tenacity, grit, and a partnership for health training meet"

Boaz Indongole

Nursing Officer Kijabe AIC Hospital & Beneficiary of HELB AEF

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Powering Universal Health Coverage"

Dr. Kelly Oluoch

CEO, Kenya Medical College [KMTC]

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Empowering my community through sensitization on nutrition"

Binti Nasser Mwasabuni

Community Co‐ordinator, North Coast Medical Training Community College

The Technical Punch

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

An Empowering life transformation"

Nicholas Mulwa Kimeu

a beneficiary of Eastlands College of Technology & HELB Loan

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

The untapped potential in technical and vocational training"

Mr. Austine Omeno

Principal of Eastlands College of Technology

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

A motor vehicle assembly that assembles hope and opportunity for fresh graduates"

Mr. Adil Popat

Group Executive Chairman, Simba Corporation

Tapping Into The Blue Economy Sector

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Sailing to a Brighter Future"

Elizabeth Mwakima

a student at KMA and a beneficiary of the Maritime Education & Training Scheme

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

A partnership in the deep, blue ocean"

Mr. Robert Njue

Director General, Kenya Maritime Authority

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Maritime education and training as a strategic lever of Kenya’s Blue Economy"

Mrs. Nancy W. Karigithu

CBS - Former Principal Secretary, State Department for Shipping and Maritime.

Empowering The Next Cohort Of Legal And Justice Defenders

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Not another deferment"



HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

A ray of hope for Rayner Mong’ina"

Rayner Teresia Mongina

a student and beneficiary of the HELB KSL & CLE Funds

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

I endorse the position taken by HELB in driving external resource mobilization"

Dr. Henry Mutai

CEO, Kenya School of Law

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Approaching the bench through the HELB legal sector funding scheme"

Ms. Mary Mutugi

Ag. Director, Council for Legal Education

Our Devolved Units Impact

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

From a series of misfortunes to a revolving fund beneficiary"

Mr. Isaac Were

Science student, Masinde Muliro University Science & Technology

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Having HELB on board has helped tremendously"

Dr George Lutomia

CEC Education, Kakamega County

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

We wanted something that, in future, will exist even when this Government is not there"

Julianna Yegon

CEC Education, Bomet County

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

It was an idea borne out of years of frustration"

Mr. Peter Lang’at

Member of the Board, representing student interests.

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Towards being the county with the highest graduates: Kakamega County"

H.E. Prof Philip Kutima

Former Deputy Governor, Kakamega County

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

A campaign pledge then a legacy"

Dr. Hillary Barchok

Governor Bomet County

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

The greatest enabler and equalizer is education"

H.E. Moses Mulomi

Deputy Governor, Busia County & Ag. County Executive Chief for Health and Sanitation

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

This fund is a game changer and only respite out of a cycle of penury."

Mr. Granton Mwaliko

Member, Taita Taveta County Education Funds Board

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

We are going to have great leaders from Taita Taveta county"

Mrs. Dephence Manga Mwandoe

CEC for Education, Libraries and Vocational Training Colleges

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

A timely intervention: Taita Taveta County"

Phillip Mwangale

Secretary & CEO, Taita Taveta County Education Funds Board.

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Our Journey Towards 0.5 Billion Education Revolving Fund"

H.E FCPA Wycliffe Oparanya,

Former Governor Kakamenga County

The ABSA Rhythm Of Hope And Empowerment

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

When life withdraws from one hand, another hand is extended to you"

Calistus Simiyu Wekesa

ABSA Scholarship Fund beneficiary

The HELB Perspective

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Empowering Dreams"

FCPA Charles Ringera

Chief Executive Officer, HELB

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

When employment becomes an opportunity to touch lives and change fortunes"

Linda Kadenge

HELB staff

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Empowering Students across Kenya through External Resource Mobilisation"

CPA James Gachari

HELB Head of External Resources and Partnership Development

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

The undisputable case for higher education qualifications in the 21st century workplace"

Mrs. Jackline Mugo

CEO, Federation of Kenya Employers

HELB Stories of Change and Impact.

Burning the midnight oil to ensure that no deserving student is out of class due to lack of funding"

Hon. Ekwee Ethuro

Chairman of the HELB Board of Directors