TVET Loans


How to apply as a First Time Applicant

    1. Visit our website or to access the Student Portal and click on “register” to create an account.
    2. Confirm whether you have your National ID and enter your ID number. Enter your KCSE Index number if you don’t have a National ID.
    3. Enter a valid email address and password and click “register”.
    4. You have successfully created an account. Check your email (Inbox or Spam/ Junk) to activate your account and log in after email activation.
    5. Enter a valid Telephone number where a verification code will be sent. If the verification code expires, click resend button to get a new verification code.
    6. Fill your profile & update your Biodata.
    7. Give consent to collection of your personal data.
    8. Read through the consent form to understand why we are collecting your personal data then tick the checkbox to agree with terms of use.
    9. Fill in your personal details then save to continue.
    10. When all details are complete, submit your scholarship/loan request.
    11. Consent to processing of your data by Accepting the loan terms and conditions.
    12. Update your guarantor details.
    13. Provide loan payment information as per the fields provided (Bank or mobile payment)
    14. Submit your loan application.
  1. Note:

    1. Please ensure that you read through the consent form to understand why we are collecting your personal data before you tick the checkbox to agree. View HELB Data Privacy Statement
    2. It is recommended that students prudently manage their HELB loans once disbursed to cater for Tuition, books, stationery, accommodation, and subsistence.

    Application requirements

    1. A valid email address for the applicant (Student)
    2. Valid telephone number (must be registered in your name to apply for a loan)
    3. KCPE and KCSE index numbers and year of examination
    4. Passport size photo
    5. Copy of your National ID (for loan application)
    6. College/University admission letter
    7. Your parents’ registered telephone number
    8. Your parents’ national ID number
    9. Death certificate if any of your parent is deceased.
    10. Your birth certificate.
    11. Two guarantors’ (Can be your parents) ID numbers and registered telephone numbers (for loan application)
    12. Copy of the sponsorship letter if you were sponsored in Secondary school.

Click here to download the Approved TVET Institution List.

How to apply as a second and Subsequent applicant

If you were awarded Scholarship and/or Loan in the previous Academic Year, you may apply for the Second and Subsequent application by dialing *642# on your mobile phone or download the HELB Mobile App from Google Play store or use MPESA Mini App.

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