The Employer Training Revolving Funds currently comprise the Civil Servants Training Revolving Fund worth Kshs. 351.2 Million and the KRA Staff Training Revolving Fund worth Kshs. 25 Million.
The Civil Servants Training Revolving Fund is funded by the Ministry of Public Service. The loans are specifically for eligible Civil Servants in National Government, County Governments, and the National Police Service at a competitive low interest rate of 4% per year. The courses covered include examinable short courses of at least three [3] months and Postgraduate studies [Masters and PhD]. The loan is used to finance Tuition, Library, Computer and Research and Examination fee.
On the other hand, the KRA Staff Training Revolving Fund provides for loans specifically for eligible KRA employees pursuing Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies at Kenya School of Revenue Administration [KESRA] or a recognized Kenyan University also at a competitive low interest rate of 4% per year.